37 Science Based Reasons to Meditate Today [ Infographic, Video ]

[ ‪#‎GentleNudge‬ ] 4Mar2015 ~ 37 Science Based Reasons to Meditate Today [ Infographic, Video ]


Here’s Your Weekly Wednesday #GentleNudge To Get You Over The Hump…
and into the weekend!

[ Meditation… Part 1 of 3 ]

Have you ever wondered this about meditation?

I’ve been reading a lot about it and
feel the benefits from it but what exactly does meditation do for the body?
I know it activates certain parts of the brain but I’m not clear on what exactly that means. 

One of my clients asked me this in my inbox and I thought it would be a great series to dive into with you.

Sure, I’ve written about my personal experiences with meditation, like the time I I did a 10-day yoga challenge (starting at day 95).  But you probably were wondering, “what does meditation do for the body?”

[ Meditation Does A Body Good! ]

According to SoundsTrue.Com, meditation on the body can help you:

  • Channel revitalizing energy throughout your body and 

  • Uncover your body’s untapped powers of perception, intuition, and wisdom.

We live in an overly stimulated world, so when you can channel energy to make yourself feel good, your body can literally carry you longer and work more optimally!

Meditation can structurally change your brain… “thickening some areas, and making others less dense”…

Huffington Post Healthy Living Benefits of Meditation
Huffington Post Healthy Living Benefits of Meditation

( Click here to Read the full Huffington Post Healthy Living Article by Meredith Melnick )

Similarly, we are mammals, and meditation allows you to attune to the silent messages your body tells you to signal happiness, balance, and yes, even illness.  Body Scanning Meditation awakens you to what your body needs and wants to tell you:

Meditation Coach Mp3 Download. Enjoy a 10 minute mindful meditation as Greg de Vries, the Meditation Coach, gently guides you to meditate with this guided body scan meditation. Download your free mp3 meditation audio at the link above.

[ Meditation: Good for Any Body! ]

heart-157895Meditation is great for your heart and can “significantly help high blood pressure over the long-term”.

Plus, it is an excellent immune booster (illnesses and infectious bye-bye!), and meditation can help women reduce PMS, infertility and breastfeeding problems:

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 4.08.45 PM

Source: Web MD.com

[ The Mighty Powers of Meditation, Pt 1 ]

Science has shown that mindfulness meditation can affect gene expression, which means that not only your body changes, but your potential for illness such as diabetes, heart-attack and dementia are lessened, too!

Curious to learn more? Just check what Meditation can do for the Body, Mind and Spirit (courtesy of The Huffington Post):

What Meditation Can Do For Your Mind, Body And Spirit (Huffington Post)
Click to Read all the benefits of Meditation at the Huffington Post…

[ The Mighty Powers of Meditation, Pt 2 ]

Emma Seppala, PhD also blogs about the 20 benefits of Meditation.

She even goes over some Myths about Meditation and helps you breakthrough the “I can’t meditate” mentality:

Click to Read More from Emma Seppala
Click to Read More from Emma Seppala

[ Still Need More Motivation To Meditate? ]

Alright, so you’ve come to a place where you’re saying, “Geez, I guess meditation couldn’t hurt!”  Great!  Let’s get started!

Try out the Headspace App program ( Free for the first 10 days ):


Or maybe you’re still on the fence?

Here are 10 Science-Based Reasons to Start Meditating Today!

Click to view Emma Seppala’s website!

The Takeaway

Meditation can change your life in so many ways.  And you don’t need to sit for hours, wearing a white robe.

You can be yourself!

…A woman


…An elder

Meditation Reduces Loneliness, Boosts Immune System In Seniors (Huffington Post)
Meditation Reduces Loneliness, Boosts Immune System In Seniors (Huffington Post)

…And You can even be a punk rocker, tatooed meditation advocate:


As a youth, Levine was incarcerated several times. His first book, Dharma Punx, details teenage years filled with drugs, violence, and multiple suicide attempts—choices fuelled by disillusionment with American mainstream culture. His substance abuse started early in life—at age six he began smoking marijuana—and finally ended in a padded detoxification cell in juvenile prison 11 years later. It was in this cell where he hit “an emotional rock bottom” and began his vipassana practice “out of a place of extreme drug addiction and violence” While incarcerated, he saw for the first time how the practice his father taught him gave him the tools to relieve the fear and uncertainty that pervaded his life.

One notable aspect of Buddhist Dharma is the path of our choices, the actions past and present and the intention for future action (Buddhist Law of Karma). Levine’s past—addiction, incarceration, violence, initial rejection of Buddhism and meditation—are all defining characteristics of his writings and teachings. “We all sort of have a different doorway to dharma or spiritual practice. Suffering is a doorway. For me it was the suffering of addiction, violence and crime which opened me at a young age, 17 years old. I was incarcerated, looking at the rest of my life in prison and thought, ‘Maybe I will try dad’s hippie meditation bullshit.’ Suffering opened me to the possibility of trying meditation.”

He currently leads Dharma and vipassana meditation retreats and workshops across the United States and teaches weekly meditation classes in Los Angeles. A member of the Prison Dharma Network, Levine works with juvenile and adult prison inmates, combining meditation techniques with psychotherapy. He “explores how they can have a deeper understanding of what has happened and what they need to do in order to be free, on many levels—free from prison, free from the trauma of the past.”

He has helped found several groups and projects including the Mind Body Awareness Project, a non-profit organization that serves incarcerated youths. Introducing them to the Buddha’s teachings. He lists the 14th Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ram Dass, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, Norman Fischer, and Sylvia Boorstein as his teachers.

Noah Levine – http://www.dharmapunx.com/

Are you ready to change your body, mind and soul? 🙂

Please Comment Below and Share this Blog Post!

PS: Stay tuned next week for part 2 of my series of meditation. We’ll dive into the types of meditation…

Till then, be kind to your SELF!

To your Success,


Tera Greene
The Life REmix Expert
inspiring success in life and business!

Download F.ree Report Reveals… The 5 (Super Cheap) Tools I Use To Stay Inspired For Success (Hint: The Best One Is Free)”

My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 30 (Every End Begins)

My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 30

(Every End Begins)


[ I fell in love with Yoga ]

On the front of my Fall 2014 Class Schedule reads:

Fall in LOVE with Yoga

When I got the schedule upon getting my gift of 30 Days of Unlimited Yoga, I definitely didn’t notice this written on the trifold, nor do I think that I would have believed its message even if I had noticed it…

But on this 30th day of my 30 Day Yoga Challenge, I can truly say that I fell in love with Yoga.

[ The Experience ]

This entire experience has been so lovely.  I can’t believe I am saying that! I mean, 30 days ago, I thought yoga people were weird (and I still kinda do); and now, I am one of them weird folk!  Gladly!

Yoga has helped me to stay chill within chaos, it has allowed me to open up and be more heart-centered.  Yoga has really been a great addition in my life.

Like, today, I went to work for my friend at her “local foods” restaurant/ corner grocery store.  It was ridiculously busy, yet I wasn’t phased by the non-stop influx of customers and their need of me to give them the best service possible.  At one point, one of the regulars even said, “wow, it’s so busy here, and this is your first day.  But you seem so chill about it.”

Though I think it went over her head, I simply replied,

I do yoga.

[ The Takeaway ]

Today is my 30th day of consecutive yoga practice.

It is also my 107th consecutive day of chanting and meditation.

I’m not sure which of the two practices have influenced my well-being the most, but all I can say is that something is working. So, I’ll just keep on doing what I’m doing.

Winter Solstice 2014
Winter Solstice 2014

The shortest day will come in 17 hours of this final journal entry. It will welcome the Winter Solstice, and simultaneously welcome longer days. I may have completed this 30 Day Challenge, but as every end begins, I look forward to continuing this “weird yoga stuff”, as the days and season change henceforth, and new beginnings spring forth.

I am grateful I got this gift of 30 Days of Unlimited Yoga. I am grateful for the teachers who have taught me.  But, more than anything, I am grateful for myself for doing this challenge for my SELF.  It has truly been a priceless gift.

Oh, and thank YOU for sharing in the experience!

PS: Yin and Kundalini Yoga are my favorites I think.

Have YOU fallen in love with Yoga yet? 🙂

[ Top 7 30 Day Challenge Entries ]

Here are the top 7 “30 Day Challenge” Entries for the last 30 Days (as of the time of this writing):

And here is the entire archive of my 30 Day Yoga Challenge.

What resonated with you the most?
Are you inspired to do yoga (or do it more consistently)? 

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!



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My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 29 (Centered)

My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 29



[ Everything for a Reason ]

So, I made it to a Yin class today, and to my surprise (and great fortune), my favorite  Yoga Basics teacher was filling in!

I firmly believe everything happens for a reason, and there’s definitely a reason why she seems to always be teaching the classes I attend, even when I don’t expect it.

[ The Experience ]

I got to class around 5 minutes before it was starting.  As I scanned the room for the “perfect spot”, I realized that the only place that felt right (and that was left) was the one that was front and center.

Literally, in the center of the class.

Mind you, when I started this 30 Day Yoga Challenge, I would sit in the back of my classes.

Slowly I would rotate to mats more forward in the room, either to the right or the left of the class, alternating. Tonight, being in the center was a lil’ awkward and intimidating at first, since you literally are right in front of the yoga teacher. But, it took only the first 3 opening AUMs to let it go, relax and just be in the space as if I were not front and center.

[ The Takeaway ]

I left the class feeling so centered.

I felt so light and like I really went inward.  Methinks it is because in order to not feel so awkward where I was sitting, I had to rely on closing my eyes and making the practice as personal as I could, given my situation. Somehow, I made it work.

In the center of the room, I went inward and became centered.

Best. class. ever.

[ Question For You ]

How do you make the best of situations?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!



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Music. Wellness. Inspiration.

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My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 28 (Tightrope, Eyes Closed)

My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 28

(Tightrope, Eyes Closed)


[ New heights ]

The other day I was in Yoga Basics and our teacher had us do a pose that took me to new heights.

We were asked to stand with feet in line with each other, heel to toe, and balance.  First with eyes open, then with eyes slightly open.

Finally, we were doing a tightrope, eyes closed.

[ The Experience ]

Today, I did my yoga practice at home, integrating the tightrope into my experience.  Though it was nothing like this,


allowing myself to find balance with my eyes closed felt as liberating as this:

[ The Takeaway ]

I feel strong, clear and I trust myself and my body more than ever.  This 30 Day Yoga Challenge has really awakened me to my SELF, my essence and the power I have within me.

I enjoy yoga. I love it.  15-minutes lifts me up just as much as 75-minutes. Yoga brings me to appreciate life.  I feel energized. I feel alive.

All good things.

[ Question For You ]

You balanced?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!



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[ ‪#‎GentleNudge‬ ] 17Dec2014 ~ The Best Gentle Nudge List of 2014

‪#‎GentleNudge‬ ] 17Dec2014 ~ The Best Gentle Nudge List 2014


Here’s Your Weekly Wednesday #GentleNudge To Get You Over The Hump…
and into the weekend!

Happy Holidays!

It’s been a great year and I’m so thankful you have joined me in the journey.  Your health, happiness and success means a lot to me, so I’ve decided to give you the Best Gentle Nudge List of 2014.

Please note The Gentle Nudge can be easily found by clicking here. It was originally a series that I posted at my website, DJNovaJade.Com. Click here to view The Gentle Nudge in its original format. Some of the Best Gentle Nudge List winners are from each!

The Gentle Nudge comes back to inspire and motive you on January 7, 2015!

Happy New Year!

[ The Top 10 ]

[ The Top 5 Runner-ups ]

[ Question For You ]

What was your favorite Gentle Nudge?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!



THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG! If this is your first time, make sure to Follow me! Oh, and Please share! You never know who you will inspire and motivate by simply passing the info along as I have for you! 🙂


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Music. Wellness. Inspiration.

The DJ Health Coach Podcast on iTunes!
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My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 26 (Speak. Add Fire.)

My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 26

(Speak. Add Fire.)


[ Yes! ]

I went to my weekly Yoga Basics class today. I really enjoy the teacher and I appreciate the way she explains everything.  Even though my 30 Day Unlimited Pass expires in 5 days, I’m thinking I’ll still head to her class next week to finish off the year in a big way.

Through her class, I’ve been able to say YES to opening up myself to the experience of yoga; I am more full and relaxed in my practice than I was before I started attending her sessions.

[ The Experience ]

At the top of the hour in today’s class as she requested me to do so, I reminded my teacher to repeat the answer to my question I asked privately in last week’s session about why we breathe the way we do in Ocean Breathing.  Click here to learn about it and you can also view a video below:

I was always told to breath through my nose, and it is also the natural way we breathe as infants. So when our teacher encouraged us to breathe through our mouths last week, I had to question the philosophy behind it.

Though shy to speak up last week, I am glad I did.

Last week, she answered me, saying that (in a nutshell), open-mouth Ocean Breathing allows you to get the mechanics down until you are comfortable and able to do it with closed mouth. Then she said, “that’s a real good question. In fact, the whole class should hear the answer. Remind me next week.”

So, I did.

[ The Takeaway ]

This week, we began the class and she asked me to repeat my question to the entire class before she got into her explanation.  She then said, that just because a teacher is a teacher, doesn’t mean you have to just trust everything without asking questions, or making it work for your body.  It felt as though she was giving me a nod for speaking up and questioning, so that I could make my practice more personal and meaningful for myself.

It was liberating. Freeing, even.  

This set the tone for me to add a lil’ more fire into my poses tonight. I did things that I had not attempted in this 30 Day Yoga Challenge, simply because my mind told me I wouldn’t be able to do it.

But, I did them anyway.

As I allowed myself to speak, I added more fire to my practice.

I breathed more expansively tonight, and the tiredness I felt when I arrived to class, after an hour of kickboxing, had turned into a peacefulness of

“I can do anything.”

[ Question For You ]

How do you feel when you stretch your comfort zone?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!



THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG! If this is your first time, make sure to Follow me! Oh, and Please share! You never know who you will inspire and motivate by simply passing the info along as I have for you! 🙂


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Music. Wellness. Inspiration.

The DJ Health Coach Podcast on iTunes!
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My 10 Day Meditation Challenge, Day 7 (Blue Skies)

My 10 Day Meditation Challenge, Day 7

(Blue Skies)

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.19.59 PM

  [ The Experience ]

101 days ago, I challenged myself to meditate and chant for 40 consecutive days.  

Often times, we forget that what we need is already here and that the blue skies we are so desperately searching for, are here, too.  They are simply just above the grey clouds we are focused on.

Today work day was thrown off a bit due to needing to rest through my first day of my Lady Time.  I started to say screw it to the meditation, but as I sat for the 10 minutes, I found that my tension ease, my belly felt better and I became less focused on the grey of my day.

[ My thoughts about Headspace ]

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.21.11 PMHeadspace is quite easy-to-use and interactive. The use of videos to present value alongside the meditations are great tools to help you understand the practice of meditation:

I love how I can track my progress and be a part of a larger community of simultaneous meditators. I also love that you can invite others to participate with you…

If you are reading this and want to join the challenge, add me to your Headspace App: “coachterag@gmail.com”. 

[ The Takeaway ]

Every day will be different.  Every challenge within the day will be different. But with meditation, I am able to recenter and get focused on what is, which allows me to release into the now.  Just ten minutes a day can go a long way if we just give it a chance!

[ Question For You ]

Do you use meditation daily? If so, how has it helped you?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!



THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG! If this is your first time, make sure to Follow me! Oh, and Please share! You never know who you will inspire and motivate by simply passing the info along as I have for you! 🙂


Make sure you listen and subscribe to my weekly podcast!
Music. Wellness. Inspiration.

Basic CMYK

My 10 Day Meditation Challenge, Day 6 (Release Tension)

My 10 Day Meditation Challenge, Day 6

(Release Tension)

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.19.59 PM

  [ The Experience ]

100 days ago, I challenged myself to meditate and chant for 40 consecutive days.  

I did it! Today is my 100th consecutive day of meditating and chanting daily.  Earlier, I attended a Yoga of Sound workshop at my yoga studio, and between that and coming home to meditate, I found that my body released more of the tension I have built up the last few days working through some deadlines I have for work.  (Luckily, I got through one of them!)

Sitting to meditate today, I was so surprised when the 10 minutes was up… it flew by! Regardless, I know it was beneficial.

[ My thoughts about Headspace ]

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.21.11 PMHeadspace is quite easy-to-use and interactive. The use of videos to present value alongside the meditations are great tools to help you understand the practice of meditation:

I love how I can track my progress and be a part of a larger community of simultaneous meditators. I also love that you can invite others to participate with you…

If you are reading this and want to join the challenge, add me to your Headspace App: “coachterag@gmail.com”. 

[ The Takeaway ]

After the 10th day, I am thinking I may not continue with Headspace app, simply because I am used to just doing it without an app, and I have a guided meditation that I enjoy. But, that’s in the future, still.  For now, I see that no matter how I choose to meditate, the key is to carve some time to do it because in the silence I am able to hear my body speak by way of aches and pains. As I listen, I can breath into those spaces, as needed, and my tension is released.

In a nutshell, meditation is good stuff! It truly is great for the body, mind and soul.

[ Question For You ]

Do you use meditation daily? If so, how has it helped you?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!



THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG! If this is your first time, make sure to Follow me! Oh, and Please share! You never know who you will inspire and motivate by simply passing the info along as I have for you! 🙂


Make sure you listen and subscribe to my weekly podcast!
Music. Wellness. Inspiration.

Basic CMYK

My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 19 (Trusting The Breath)

My 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 19

(Trusting The Breath)


[ Thank You ]

How often do you say thank you to your breath?

I mean, really show gratitude… by honoring your breath, by trusting it?

…Trusting that your breath will sustain you and your body through anything?

I have overcome asthma as a child and into my late-20s, so I know what it’s like to not be able to breathe, and then be thankful for the breath.  But, now, I say thank you to my breath, simply because I am learning to trust her.

[ The Experience ]

I did a Yoga Basics class today, and even though I was a bit tired from my hour of Kickboxing prior to class, I found that I really allowed myself to rely on my breath to carry me through.  AND IT WORKED!  At one point, I was even called up as one of the two yogis (am I a yogi? lol) to demonstrate body types to the class, and how all bodies are different… but that yoga is for every body.

No matter the ability. No matter the disability.

I felt empowered today and really felt the energy within me (I felt my belly get hot with energy today) and around me (I felt my arms were slicing through the invisible life force energy as though it were thick).  I felt grounded and solid.

And I thank my breath for helping me feel empower-ful, energy filled and solid!

[ The Takeaway ]

We can chose to let life happen around us, or we can breathe and make things happen for us.  Period.

[ Question For You ]

Are you breathing?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!


THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG! If this is your first time, make sure to Follow me! Oh, and Please share! You never know who you will inspire and motivate by simply passing the info along as I have for you! 🙂


Make sure you listen and subscribe to my weekly podcast!
Music. Wellness. Inspiration.

Basic CMYK

My 10 Day Meditation Challenge, Day 2 (Cat Nap)

My 10 Day Meditation Challenge, Day 2

(Cat Nap)

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.19.59 PM

  [ The Experience ]

96 days ago, I challenged myself to meditate and chant for 40 consecutive days.  

It’s Day 2 of this 10 Day Meditation Challenge, and I am nearly to my 100th consecutive day of chanting and meditation.  I LOVE IT! It’s really nice to go inward.

Especially after a cat nap.

I took a lovely 45 minute rest and woke up, put on my headphones and turned on my Headspace App.  Today was better, since Andy seemed to talk less.  Funny thing happened: as I sat on the bed cross-legged in Easy Pose, the cat I am fostering starts to scratch herself on my fingers, and then found her way into my lap to rest as I sat in zen.

I took a cat nap, and then the cat napped on me!

[ My thoughts about Headspace ]

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.21.11 PM I think Headspace is a great and easy-to-use platform.  I love how I can track my progress and be a part of a larger community of simultaneous meditators. I also love that you can invite others to participate with you…

If you are reading this and want to join the challenge, add me to your Headspace App: “coachterag@gmail.com”. 

[ The Takeaway ]

At the end of the session, the guide, Andy, asked how we felt before and after the meditation.  I chuckled, because before I meditated, I felt super relaxed a la nap status. Afterward, I felt rejuvenated for a night of leading a group session, kickboxing and practicing yoga for my 30 Day Yoga Challenge.

All in all, everything is zen… 🙂

[ Question For You ]

Do you meditate? If so, what are the benefits you have seen for yourself? If not, does an App like Headspace make it easier to start?

Please comment below!

Here’s to your health, happiness and WHOLENESS!


THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG! If this is your first time, make sure to Follow me! Oh, and Please share! You never know who you will inspire and motivate by simply passing the info along as I have for you! 🙂


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Basic CMYK